Welcome to GEMMA Community

GEMMA community is a loyalty program exclusive to the design Community. Product discounts, special offers, ideas and inspiration, and more. And best of all… it’s FREE to join.

Whether you’re a design studio / Architect working in the fields of Architecture , Interior Design , Landscape, and turn-key projects, GEMMA s’ new program is designed to help you provide your clients with complete de-signs solutions using only the best materials .

Benefits and rewards

As a GEMMA Community member you have access to a number of exciting member benefits, from discounted prices on GEMMA products as well as valuable gifts and offers.

Member Discount

Because you deserv more

Thank you gift

We reward your loyalty


GEMMA appreciates its customers and that’s why we happily offer you a loyalty program that will help you save on your purchases. Read the details below.

Step 1 :


Click on Register/Log in to create an account, save your Gemma Community ID after receiving it, and add your purchase invoice to the loyalty page in your account.

Step 2 :


Go to your account and click on Loyalty Program to check how many points you’ve collected

Step 3 :


Once you have 2000 points or more, enter your Gemma Community ID to exchange your points with a gift, the gift’s value is deducted from the total number of your points.

Gemma Community


Welcome to GEMMA Community – the exclusive GEMMA Loyalty Program tailored solely for the design community. GEMMA Community gives you the opportunity to get rewarded for what you spend with GEMMA, offering you a wide range of valuable gifts to choose from. The more you spend, the more points you get...the greater the value of your gifts!
The Program Offers A Unique Set Of Rewards ToGEMMA’s Community Customers:

  • 1. Join GEMMA’s Community now by registering your personal data on the loyalty program at www.gemma.com.eg/register . GEMMA will then send you an email, verifying your registration and notifying you with your GEMMA Community ID. Upon your first purchase from any of GEMMA’s showrooms, you should upload the invoice along with your Syndicate/ ID number. You’ll then get an email, with the current status of your points.
  • 2. The More you spend, the more you earn You will earn 1 Reward Point for every purchase value of 40 EGP of 1st Choice and 80 EGP of 2nd Choice for example if you spend 4000 EGP on 1st choice tiles, you will get 100 points onGEMMA Loyalty Card. Points are calculated within 14 days from the date of the last purchase. You will receive an email with your total number of points.
  • 3. Once your points exceed 2000 points you can then start redeeming the points by choosing one of our gifts depending on your own needs.
  • 4. GEMMA Community card expires if not used within 24 months, calculated from the date of the first purchase.
  • 5. The value of the gift is determined by the total number of accumalted points Gifts include mobile phones, laptops, and home appliances, among other types of gifts.
  • 6. Once you redeem a gift, the gift's value is deducted from the total number of your points.
  • 7. At the end of every Calendar Month, we calculate your total points of the month.. Points are calculated after fourteen days from the date of the last purchase. An email or SMS will be sent with your total number of points


Gemma's Community card is offered only to:
  • 1. An engineer (civil or architectural) actively enrolled in the Egyptian Engineers Syndicate.
  • 2. An interior designer actively enrolled in the Applied Arts Designers Syndicate.
  • 3. A fine art designer actively enrolled in the Syndicate of Egyptian Fine Artists.
  • 4. An interior design office or contractor with a commercial registration form and tax ID card.
  • 5. An Interior finishing contractor with ID.

Terms and Conditions

  • 1. GEMMA Community card expires if not used within 24 months, Calculated from the date of the last purchase.
  • 2. Accumulated points cannot be redeemed in exchange for cash.
  • 3. GEMMA has the right to withdraw or change the terms of the GEMMA Community scheme at any time and without prior notice.
  • 4. GEMMA sets the criteria on which the points are calculated and accumulated and can change them without prior notification to the members
  • 5. Gifts are subject to availability.
  • 6. GEMMA has the right to introduce supplementary rules, new promotions and benefits to the program without prior notification to the members.
  • 7. GEMMA has the right to change the value of the gifts for all or any of the different accumulated points without prior notification to the members.
  • 8. All benefits resulting from the GEMMA Community scheme cannot be combined with any other sale discounts or offers given at GEMMA showrooms, Including premium card benefits.
  • 9. GEMMA will notify you with any changes to your Gemma Community account via email.
  • 10. The above terms and conditions can be altered, withdrawn or cancelled by GEMMA without any prior notification to the members.

phone For more information

kindly call Mr. Mohamed Said, Mobile: 0100 345 7074
For inquiries and suggestion, kindly call16757

Loyalty Products

Apple iPad 2019 32GB

Apple iPad 2019 32GB

Points : 20000

Samsung Galaxy A80

Samsung Galaxy A80

Points : 19350

Samsung Galaxy A71

Samsung Galaxy A71

Points : 19700

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 256 GB Midnight Green

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 256 GB Midnight Green

Points : 62750

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 256 GB Gold

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 256 GB Gold

Points : 75500

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra Mobile

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra Mobile

Points : 58000

Apple iPad Pro MTJ62

Apple iPad Pro MTJ62

Points : 100625

Samsung Galaxy Tab A T295 2019

Samsung Galaxy Tab A T295 2019

Points : 8625

Samsung Galaxy M51

Samsung Galaxy M51

Points : 21600

Samsung Galaxy Note 10

Samsung Galaxy Note 10

Points : 38550

iPad A2197

iPad A2197

Points : 22000

Samsung Galaxy Tab A T515

Samsung Galaxy Tab A T515

Points : 15500

Apple iPhone 11

Apple iPhone 11

Points : 38850